NISA: Mapping the key stakeholders and NIS situation in each EU Member State in its first edition of 'Country Reports'.
The EU Agency ENISA [European Network and Information Security Agency] today launched its first, comprehensive 600 pages 'Country Reports' on the status of Network and Information Security [NIS] in 30 European Countries, including mapping of stakeholders and trends.
The Country Reports are an assessment of the ongoing and planned activities of NIS in each Member State. As such, they provide a unique overview of the "state of the art" in NIS in 30 European countries: the 27 European Union Member States and the 3 EEA countries [Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway]. Each country chapter contains eg; Country Highlights, Key Stakeholders Overview, Activities, and Current Trends, eg, focusing on the status of national electronic ID schemes, and major incidences of security breaches involving loss of data.
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